
CAEL Car Hire

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Car rental with CAEL

When it comes to car hire, it's essential to remember the importance of finding the solution that best suits your needs, in the shortest possible time. All this can be done thanks to, the portal that allows you to compare the prices of many international companies.

Among these, you can also include Cael, a car rental company founded in 1958 and one of the first corporate players to give life to the approach of the rental without driver.

In 1963, the two families who still own the company today bought the entire capital of the company. Starting from a fleet of only 6 cars, in a few years Cael has reached a leadership position in the sector, with particular attention to the tourism sector.

In 1975, the time came for Cael to take its first steps in the world of corporate car rentals. In that year, the car rental company in question owned 500 cars.

In the 1980s, following a tradition of innovation that began long before, Cael began taking its first steps in the commercial vehicle rental business. In the 90s, Cael set up a synergy strategy with other companies, creating strategic partnerships.

Today, Cael has a very large fleet dedicated to the most diverse needs of the market.

Fleet of Cael

The car rental company Cael, whose prices can be compared thanks to, has a fleet that includes several vehicles. Among these, it is possible to include economic cars such as the Peugeot 108, but also economic vehicles, such as the Peugeot 308 and the Seat Leon.

Among the cars included in the Cael fleet it is also possible to remember minivans, automatic cars, commercial vehicles and luxury cars.

Global ratings for CAEL

CAEL is present in 3 destinations. Based on the local reviews their customer average rating score is 8.7/10.

Customer Customer Rating



Average Wait Minutes Average waiting time is 24 mins

8.6 /10 Overall value for money
9.2 /10 Cleanliness of the car
8.7 /10 Service at the rental desk
8.5 /10 Car hire pick-up process
8.9 /10 Car hire drop-off process